Sam and I went to Cleveland for a Christmas party (graciously hosted by Stephen and Sarah) with a bunch of friends. Before we left we made a brilliant decision to bring a bottle of Michigan sparkling wine. Unknown to us, our friend, Jody, planned to propose to his girlfriend sometime that night. Well, she said "yes" and we were prepared with sparkling wine to celebrate. Even better, the name of the wine was "Sex". We had lots of laughs about that one.

The white elephant gift exchange was really funny. Sam and I came home with a bottle of siracha and a tub of frosting. Quite remarkably baby Laila slept through the whole party.
Unfortunately, the next morning I woke with a sore throat and throbbing sinus headache. For Christmas, I don't have two turtle doves, but two sick Wileys. Fortunately, it is just a cold and some other worse illness.
Merry Christmas!