Sam's sisters, Anna and Rebecca, as well as his cousin, Jesse, joined us. We went to the Seneca Rocks area in West Virginia. I really like this part of WV because there is so much to do: Spruce Knob, Seneca Rocks, Bear Rocks, Canaan Valley, several caverns. We went up to Spruce Knob, the highest point in WV, and the next day visited Seneca Caverns. Unfortunately, the Seneca Rocks trail was closed for repairs so we didn't hike to the top.

Tent city
Picking black raspberries that we used the next day in pancakes. Yum!
The view from our campground. (Seneca Rocks)
View from the top of Spruce Knob
High mountain glade (and Jesse)
Yeah, I got a flat tire. Fortunately, my car has a full size spare so we didn't have to find a tire shop.
Nail went right through the side wall.
Butt shot! Crawdad gathering on the Gandy. They gathered about 30 crawdads while I took a nap in the car. We cooked them for dinner, but decided they were too small to be worth it. Sorry, little crawdads. You died in vain.
Fun rock outcropping on the Gandy.
The next day was rainy so we went to Seneca Caverns. It is a very large cavern with 2 natural entrances. Some settler explored the cavern back in the 18th century during a draught looking for water. The Seneca Indians had been using the cavern for hundreds of years, of course. It didn't have amazing formations, but it was impressively large.
Ready to enter Seneca Caverns. We all felt a bit naked without safety glasses and steel toe shoes.
Cave bacon!
Biggest column in the cavern.
Sam and a large mineral formation (I think this is called the Castle or something).
We had a great time and I can't wait to take the little thumper camping next summer. Sure will be different, but I figure start camping with them early so you have all the family camping routines hammered out for when you are out numbered.