Monday, July 30, 2012

Outer Banks Vacation: Rest Day

Come Thursday, Sam and I (and Inga too although she wouldn't admit it) needed a break from all the running around. We stayed at the house all day and just went swimming in the pool. Everyone else went fishing at Cape Hatteras in the morning (surf casting) and Kevin, Morgan, and James took an offshore fishing trip in the afternoon. Sam and I really did spend almost the whole day in the pool. Inga spent her waking hours in the pool with us. It was pretty much her dream come true to wake up from a nap, get in her swimsuit, and jump in the pool. 

We got her a little floaty so we didn't have to hold her the whole time. She learned to propel herself around the pool and gather all the pool balls on the ring. By this point in the trip, she was practically swimming short distances by herself. Daddy also taught her to scooch off the edge of the pool into our arms. We had a great time playing in the pool. Now I just need to install one in my backyard.
Collecting all the balls
Swimming to Mommy
Swimming with Daddy
A little slice of Heaven

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Outer Banks Vacation: The Beach

Going to the beach with a baby requires a lot more stuff than going to the beach with just adults. I purchased a big beach shelter for me and Inga to take refuge from the sun. I also bought some beach toys. Of course, you have all the towels, sunscreen, water, and snacks in the bag too. It was all necessary too. We only went to the beach a couple times because it was a big deal. 

We first went to the beach in Avon. We learned out lesson and ran to the beach to avoid the mosquitoes. I am sure we were an amusing sight. 
Chillin' in the shade
Sam, Kevin, and James built Inga a kiddie pool in the sand since the surf was too rough (and scary) for her. It was mostly a loosing battle keeping the waves from washing away the pool. A really large wave completely washed over Inga before Sam could lift her out of the way. She didn't want to get in the ocean after that, but was excited to play in the sand.
Hanging out in the kiddie pool

After the beach (and a nap), we relaxed in the pool. The pool is definitely Inga's favorite place to be in the summer.

We headed down to Cape Hatteras the next day to see the light house and visit a calmer beach. I have never been up the Hatteras light house and wanted to go, but not only was the wait over an hour, we couldn't take Inga up. 

Kevin had driven up to Norfolk to pick up Morgan (his girlfriend) from the airport and was going to meet us at the park for lunch. While waiting for them to arrive, we took a little walk on an interpretive trail through the Buxton Woods. The woods were really beautiful.
A freshwater pond
Sharhonda, Jesse, me, and Inga
It was a hot day

Kevin and Morgan made it to the park for lunch and the beach! Everyone helped build Inga another sand kiddie pool. She was having a great time.

Group photo
Climbing the sand wall
By this point in the vacation, Inga was having the time of her life. She had so many people to play with and was going swimming and playing in sand everyday! 

Outer Banks Vacation: The Beginning

Sam, Inga, and I, along with five of our friends, spent the week in the Outer Banks. We rented a house in Avon just across the street from the beach. We had planned this vacation months in advance and by the time July rolled around I was in desperate need of a vacation. We left on Friday not a moment too soon.

We took two days to drive down thinking a 12+ hour drive would be too much for Inga all in one go. James, Sam's cousin, drove down with us so I didn't even drive at all! I spent the ride in the back with Inga. I saw a lot of this: 
We drove through West Virginia into Charlottesville, VA on the first day. We went at the speed of baby and made a few stops along the way to take a break from the car. We also encountered the first of many traffic jams on I-64, which we were able to by-pass on a frontage road. Charlottesville is an interesting city because there is so much history there as well as that unique college town vibe. It's not a bad place to stop and maybe when Inga is older we will visit Monticello. Probably the highlight of the day for Inga was going swimming after dinner at the hotel pool. A side note: DO NOT stay at the Comfort Inn; it was terrible.

The next day we continued the drive through Virginia and into North Carolina. Traffic was pretty slow from Richmond through Newport News, which is pretty typical. Things were alright until we were about 5 miles from Kitty Hawk. We sat in stand still traffic for over 3 hours. Apparently, there was a multi-car accident just across the bridge at the first traffic light in Kitty Hawk. We were all going a little stir crazy in the car. We let Inga out of her car seat until traffic started moving again. It's amazing how everything becomes a toy in the car. "Hey, look! There's a flash light and pressure gauge in the glove box!" We reached the house way later than expected around 8pm. When we pulled into the carport, I told Inga, "Guess what? We're here!" She squealed so loud! She then stayed up until 10:30pm crawling all over the house because she was so full of beans. The other members of our group drove down separately all in one day. They were even later than us because they were stopped by 3 accidents all in the Nags Head area!

The next day we ventured over to the Avon beach in the morning. Inga re-discovered the joys of sand. She also learned that you have to watch out for waves. She and Sam got swamped by one right after this picture was taken.
We learned the hard way the mosquitoes were awful this year in the OBX. We were attacked walking to the beach. Marauding mosquitoes was a recurrent theme on our vacation.
 Jesse (Sam's cousin), Sharhonda (Jesse's girlfriend), and James
Monday it rained all morning long. In the afternoon, Sam, Kevin, Inga and I headed north to see Jockey Ridge State Park where there are big sand dunes. On the way we stopped at a picnic area on the sound side for lunch. Sam, Kevin, and Inga went in search of clams.
I guess it had been raining a lot this summer. The sand dunes had lots of ponds of fresh water in the low spots. We felt like we were lost in the desert or something. It was a little surreal. Since it was so hot, we decided to walk through the ponds.
Notice Kevin in carrying Inga
Hang gliding school
Happy hikers
More sand!
Trying not to fall down the dune with Inga on my back
Sand dune with pond at bottom like the beach without waves
I'm Kevin King and I approve this state park.
Inga quickly discovered she could stand up under the dining table. There were several occasions of, "Where is Inga? Under the table!"

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Geneva, Switzerland (First Few Days)

I had the opportunity to go to Switzerland for business in late May, right before Memorial Day. I am just now getting the opportunity to post some pictures of our trip. My brother Dan ( and his wife Beth), my Dad (and my Mom), and I attended VitaFoods EU 2012, a tradeshow for health and nutrition ingredients. Inga and Kate stayed home in Ohio.

I arrived early on Monday after flying all night. Dan and Beth did not arrive until the late afternoon, and Dad and Mom did not arrive until before dinner. I took the opportunity to explore the city a bit.

Looking up the Rhone towards Lake Geneva 

Neat sculpture in old Geneva 

Looking up a narrow street towards the stairs to the Cathedral and Old Geneva.

Looking back down the same street. On the right was a really neat antique scientific instruments shop; I wanted to buy something but the pieces were hundreds and hundred of Swiss Francs, and the shop was closed. Actually, most everything was closed or closed early on Lundi (Monday).  That was the hard part of getting used to Geneva; there was a shopping district very close to the old Geneva city with designer Rolex and Gucci etc stores, and a huge 4 story toyshop, and lots and lots of shops, but almost everything closed at 6pm every day. 8pm was the late hours on Thursday. Very odd to American sensibilities.

 St. Pierre Cathedral is high on a hill above the lake. You can climb to the top of the spire and look out over the city and Lake Geneva. It was closed.
 The bottom of the Old Geneva Prison.
 You can see the Carousel in the foreground and Lake Geneva in the background.

It was overcast the first day and not great for picture taking. The hotel we stayed in was the Hotel de la Paix, in the far right of the large block of buildings in the center of the picture. It was very old, but very nice.
When my parents arrived, we went to the concierge and Dan asked for a recommendation for a good place to eat dinner. He said he wanted something simple; not too complex. They recommended something, and we set off. We went to a restaurant that was absolutely packed; the waitress literally shoehorned us into a table, pulling the table out from the wall, seating Mom and Beth on the bench against the wall, then pushing the table in close to them, and scooting chairs up for the rest of us. When we asked to see a menu, the waitress was very puzzled and brusque; there was no menu except for the wine. How would you like your steak cooked? Rare? Medium Rare? Well done? She brought us a salad, some wine. and all you can eat Steak and Pomme Frites. It was good but very fattening. We soon learned that the style of restaurant called 'Entrecôte' meant steak and fries and little else. I can say it was simple, but it wasn't quite what Dan was looking for. The best part is is that a few nights earlier Mom and Dad had eaten the exact same style of restaurant in Geneva: Steak and Pomme Frites. I made jokes about Entrecôte the rest of the trip.

It was a short 5-10 minute train ride from the main Geneva train station to the Geneva Airport and Convention Center, Palexpo. It was also free. Palexpo was actually quite a long walk from the station, and Tuesday it rained very hard. We showed up to the convention in our suit and ties, absolutely soaked.

The main platform in the Geneva main station.

A double decker car. The Swiss Railway is called the SBB CFF FFS: they get French, German, and Italian acronyms all out in the same name! The newer, more expensive, long-haul trains like these (this one was probably headed to Zurich) were whisper quiet: they could be traveling at 60 miles an hour and you could whisper to the person across from you. I had the opportunity to ride one of these to the airport: very cool.

Ohio Heat Wave

The only thing anyone in Ohio has been able to talk about lately is the weather because it has been so terrible! Record heat plus major power outages makes for some grumpy neighbors. Fortunately, we never lost power, but it has been so hot. It's rather difficult to explain to a 10 month old way she has to stay inside all day long. After a few very long afternoons, I realized I was being totally stupid and needed to head to the pool!

On Friday, Inga and I met Grandma Wiley at the Dresden. Inga loves the deep water were she can "swim". No kiddie pool for this girl!
Adult swim=snack time
On Saturday, Sam and I watched our nephew, Ethan, while his parents went on a date. Saturday was suppose to top 100˚F, so you can guess where I wanted to go. We attempted the Dresden pool again, but it was closed due to a power outage! I think the power company had to shut off power for awhile to do some repairs, but it kind of put a crimp in my plans. We decided to go to the Coshocton pool since it was actually closer at that point than the Heath pool. Fortunately, the Coshocton pool was open. 
Cousins eating lunch together
Ethan really wanted to play in the water, but was also really scared to get into the water. Meanwhile, Inga just wanted to be in deep water so she could "swim". Sam and I split our time between the two. Ethan mostly played on the edge of the pool filling up his bucket with water and dumping it on himself and the ground. He seemed to have a really good time and at the very end he finally wanted to get in. 
Taking a break in the shade
 "Why I am not swimming?"
"You promised snacks!"
Inga and Ethan were super tired by the end. Neither took an afternoon that day. After giggling with each other in the car for awhile, Inga fell asleep and Ethan pointed out all the trains and trucks we went by. 

Sunday, July 1, 2012

10 Months

Inga is officially crawling!! This is a very recent development. Last week she started doing the pirate, peg-leg crawl where she's on one knee and one foot. It is a highly amusing to watch her crawl across the floor this way. However, she is moving towards more standard cruising. She can now be found chasing after Mommy or Daddy. She is also trying to pull herself up onto anything and everything. 

She jabbers all the time. She can understand just about everything you tell her. She's not old enough yet to pretend she doesn't understand. I expect that in a few weeks, though. I'm not sure she has any new words, but I repeat anything that sounds like a real word. She also waves "hi" and "bye". It's really cute at the store where she tries to wave "hi" to everyone. 

One of her new favorite activities is bike rides with Daddy. I purchased the iBert safeT seat and installed it on Sam's bike. Aside from the helmet, she loves going for bike rides. She squeals when Sam starts to go fast. If it is bumpy, she makes noise so she can hear how the bumps change the noise. 

One of my big accomplishments was getting her to play catch and to make car noises. She says "vroom" when playing with her Duplo tractor now. She still prefers to play with people, animals, or books. She will even "read" to her stuffed animals. I am hoping she will start dancing soon. She loves fast, dance music (like 90s pop) and giggles so loud when you pick her up to dance with her. 

Well, enough of that. Here's the pictures from our photo shoot.
 Daddy's making funny faces
 Look at all those teeth(four of them)!
I'm gonna get you!