After a rough night at sea leaving Bermuda and a chilly day, we arrived in the New York harbor. It was total pea soup just like the last time I was in Newark, NJ (at the airport). Sam was very excited to be sailing up the Hudson. I'll admit, it's pretty cool, but not at 6am when it's cold and rainy out and I just spend a week in the Caribbean.
This picture was taken from our stateroom balcony. I've only ever seen New York City almost completely obscured by fog.
This is the stern of a smaller cruise ship that appears to be heading for the Manhattan cruise terminal. I'm very glad we didn't disembark in Manhattan.
The Bayonne cruise terminal is pretty new and wasn't really setup to handle passengers in the rain. We were bused from the ship to our luggage warehouse. Due to some mixup with taxis, we took another charter bus to the airport.

We had layover in Detroit and laughed that our layover was longer that it would have taken to drive from Detroit to Cleveland (our final destination). By the time we reached Cleveland, I wanted nothing more than to be home and go back to work. The perfect vacation.
You know, Kate.....almost every time that I've been to NYC, it's been really nice and clear! You'll just have to come with me sometime!