Sunday, July 25, 2010

Presque Isle State Park

Saturday Sam, his dad, and I went to Erie, PA to visit Presque Isle State Park. Sam's dad asked us Friday afternoon if we'd like to fly up with him. I thought, "When can you turn a 4 hour drive into a 1.5 hour flight?" So, we agreed to meet him at the Coshocton airport around noon. The up there was rather uneventful, which is the way I like my flights. Upon landing at the Erie international airport (seriously, Canada) we taxied right to our rental car and had our bags loaded for us! Such service!

The day was pretty overcast, but really humid until we got about half-way into the park and then it started to pour cats and dogs. Well, Dad got on his phone and pulled a radar of the area. The storm wasn't really that big so we waited it out while everybody else fled the beach. It was worth the 20 minute wait. The beach was nice and the water was warm.

About 30 minutes later, the sky cleared up and it turned to the bright, sunny day I expected. Lake Erie isn't as nice as Lake Michigan and the Michigan beaches, but the water was still great for swimming and warmer. There were even decent waves and you could pretend you were swimming in the ocean. The Great Lakes really are a lot of fun and right in my backyard.

The flight home was more exciting. Dad navigated through a storm system with lightning strikes right off the wing. We left the front about 10 miles from home where we ran into some turbulence. I was a little uneasy with all the bumps and drops. My head never hit the ceiling, but we were moving around pretty good. Fortunately, we beat the thunderstorm home and landed safely at Richard Downing. A great little plane trip!

1 comment:

  1. That looks beautiful. Makes me miss the Midwest.

    Also, that picture of you and Sam is cute. =)
