We stayed with the Petries in their new apartment with a view of Lake Erie. It was pretty nice being so close to the Lake. Their one year old daughter, Laila, was very interested in Ingrid, but didn't know quite what to do with a little baby. On Sunday, we took a walk to Lakewood park since it was such a beautiful day. We also had lunch/dinner at this great pub, Deagan's. I highly recommend it, if you are in Lakewood.
Ingrid did a great job on her first overnight trip. She was a wonderful sleeper in her travel crib. I am very glad she is not picky about where she sleeps. She needs to have her bedtime routine and then she will just snooze away for several hours.

Cleveland skyline from Lakewood
I love my Ergo carrier (and so does Inga).
Laila being a total ham.
The little Petrie family
The little Wiley family
I love seeing all these pictures. You are all so lovely and loved.