Inga is so grown up compared to a month ago. She can sit up all on her own and just a couple days ago rolled over from tummy to back (finally). This means she is more or less mobile since she can also roll from back to tummy. Gah!
She is so giggly and happy especially when seeing new people and places. Since the weather has been amazing lately, we have taken lots of walks in the afternoon. She loves to look at all the new things and fall asleep in the sunshine in her stroller or on Mama's back. She is so easy to run errands with because she loves seeing new people so much. She tries to make eyes with all the cashiers. She definitely takes after her Daddy for much of her personality.

All smiles for the camera
Eat the bear? Who me?
Mom, you're so funny:)
We are still working on eating solid foods. She is working on the whole spoon/swallow thing. Her favorite foods are all vegetables except for avocado. She just doesn't like banana, pear, or apple. Weird, but she likes carrot, sweet potato, mashed potato and broccoli, avocado, and beets. She also prefers to feed herself, which is a bit problematic. We have a system worked out where she grabs the spoon and directs it to her mouth, while I hold onto it to make sure she doesn't jam it down her throat. She also started exploring a sippy cup the other day. She was starting to get the hang of it and liked the cool water on her gums.
Why do I keep her dressed during meals?
She has a check up in a week, so I will find out them how much she weighs. I'm guessing she is pushing 20 lbs. She's our big girl!