Inga is five months old already. She can almost sit up unsupported, makes lots of loud noises, and is exploring the world of solid food. She keeps getting bigger and carrying her around in her carseat is getting very difficult. It will be time to move to a different carseat soon, but I like the infant seat because she can take a nap in the grocery store in it. She's still working on rolling from her tummy to her back and is starting to try to inch worm around the floor. She enjoys sucking her thumb and her toes when she can reach them.

Oh so close to sitting up on her own.

She and the bear were having a very funny conversation.

She is much more interactive with the big, pink bear.
We have been exploring food at breakfast and dinner for a couple weeks. She likes everything she's tried so far just not the spoon. My freezer is full of fruit and veggie ice cubes. She likes avocado and banana a lot, which is good because they are super easy to fix.

Daddy tries to make dinner time super exciting. Inga is not so sure.
What a cutie! I love when they start solids--nursing constantly gets old. :)