Sam, Inga, and I made the trip up to Hillsdale to see Uncle Michael and Aunt Anna graduate. This was probably the last graduation we will attend for sometime because I can't think of anyone else at Hillsdale that we know. We shared a cabin at Michindoh Conference Center with Sam's brother, Andrew, and his family. Andrew's sister-in-law was also graduating. Inga had a great time playing with her three boy cousins. They got themselves pretty wound up before bed playing peek-a-boo and giggling like crazy.

The graduates before the ceremony
Ronald Regean, the latest addition to the walk of neo-cons
We got a bit nostalgic and visited the Ramp. Proof that is an awesome name for a college house, the house is still called the Ramp. The college recently cut down the trees behind the house to make way for the new IM sports center. I figure they will probably tear the house down eventually, too.
No more woods
Fire pit is still there!
Lydia feeding the bottomless pit
I honestly didn't pay that much attention to the ceremony. Dr. Arnn's speech was pretty typical. The class president gave a decent, short speech. The speaker was some professor from Oxford who talked about why Hillsdale was so great for being independent and not having majors like women's studies. It wasn't bad and it was short, which counts for a lot. What can I say, it was the fourth graduation I'd attended. We left pretty soon after Anna and Michael walked because Inga needed a nap so we missed milling about with all the graduates, etc.
Anna and Michael had a graduation party at their house complete with a keg of Oberon! It was a nice time although Inga just couldn't fall asleep. She was up until nearly 11pm until Sam ran to the store for some Advil. As soon as that stuff kicked in she was out cold. Poor thing is working on more teeth. She was a pretty good girl on the ride home, though. We also learned she really likes Panera Bread's broccoli cheddar soup!
All the trees are gone! I don't think I've been back to campus since graduating.