It's almost her first birthday and I am just getting around to posting the 11 month pictures. We have been doing too many home projects in the evenings for me to have time to post. Anyway, little Inga is turning into the busy one year old.
She is a total chatter box. I wake up to her talking to her two best friends, Fox Mulder and Ornery the Otter. She tells you all about her night at breakfast and tells you all about her day at dinner. This girl has a lot to say! She regularly says "Nigh, Nigh" to mean she wants to go to sleep (including naps). She can say "wa" for water, "mo" for more, "ra" for rain, "yes", "hi", and probably a few other things I am forgetting. She also nods her head "yes". Her appetite for language means she's also our bookworm. I read Where's Baby's Belly Button? to her 4 or 5 times today. (That's her new favorite.) She will just bring you books to read and say "Mom, dis" or "Daddy, dis". I can hardly complain about that. She even spelled a real word with her bathtub letters the other day (the letters that stick to the side of the tub when wet). You may be wondering the word and I am slightly embarrassed to say, but she spelled "gin". Now "g", "n", and "i" were the only letters in the tub at the time so don't go thinking something you shouldn't. We continue to be amazed at her language development. Her motor skills are more normal; crawling, pulling herself to standing, etc. Enough yakking, here are the pictures.

The best photo and I cut off her head!
Sharing a joke with pink bear
"Why am I still on the couch and not playing on the floor? I can see all my toys."