Saturday, January 25, 2014

Christmas 2013

Christmas at Grandma Wiley's before we left for California
My Christmas post is a little overdue, but I can blame it on the new baby leaving me very, very tired in the evening coupled with Inga turning into a night owl. We went to see my parents for Christmas, which meant warm, sunny days. Inga had a great time visiting different playgrounds. She also rode a choo-choo train and visited San Francisco. 
Go slide! Playground #1 for the day.

She was very proud to have climbed up by herself.

Asleep at playground #2 while Mommy and Daddy ate our picnic lunch.

Riding the Christmas train through Niles Canyon.
She LOVED the sea lions at Pier 39.
Posing with the big Christmas tree at Pier 39
She fell asleep on the cable car ride to Union Square.
The big Christmas tree at Union Square.
Christmas Eve picture with her stocking
Christmas morning excitement
Helping Grandma Lindstrom make breakfast
The California coast near Pescadero
Sam and I left Inga overnight with my parents so we could go down to Monterey. We drove down highway 1 and stopped at several beaches that looked interesting. We found some great tide pools near Pescadero. We were able to visit with the Crains, who recently moved to the Monterey area, and then do some Wiley's Finest work visiting some retailers in the area. It was pretty awesome seeing our products on the shelf at stores all the way out in California.

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