Continuing with late blog posts, Malcolm hit 5 months right before Christmas. December was a busy month for us with a wedding of a good friend and Christmas celebrations. I'm glad I remembered to take his 5 month photos at all!
At the time, he was working really hard on sitting up all by himself. He was also having lots of trouble sleeping at night, which made mommy very grumpy. We thought he was teething because he was so cranky and drooly, but he hasn't cut any teeth yet. I think it was just a growth spurt because he is in the next size of clothing now. He really started to get grabby too. He will lunge and grab for anything he sees. You really have to hold on tight when he's in your lap or he'll launch himself onto the floor in seconds.
He is pretty good at stealing his sister's stuffed animals. He has a great fondness for Foxy. |
My cutie pie in his Christmas PJs. |
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