Sunday, July 1, 2012

10 Months

Inga is officially crawling!! This is a very recent development. Last week she started doing the pirate, peg-leg crawl where she's on one knee and one foot. It is a highly amusing to watch her crawl across the floor this way. However, she is moving towards more standard cruising. She can now be found chasing after Mommy or Daddy. She is also trying to pull herself up onto anything and everything. 

She jabbers all the time. She can understand just about everything you tell her. She's not old enough yet to pretend she doesn't understand. I expect that in a few weeks, though. I'm not sure she has any new words, but I repeat anything that sounds like a real word. She also waves "hi" and "bye". It's really cute at the store where she tries to wave "hi" to everyone. 

One of her new favorite activities is bike rides with Daddy. I purchased the iBert safeT seat and installed it on Sam's bike. Aside from the helmet, she loves going for bike rides. She squeals when Sam starts to go fast. If it is bumpy, she makes noise so she can hear how the bumps change the noise. 

One of my big accomplishments was getting her to play catch and to make car noises. She says "vroom" when playing with her Duplo tractor now. She still prefers to play with people, animals, or books. She will even "read" to her stuffed animals. I am hoping she will start dancing soon. She loves fast, dance music (like 90s pop) and giggles so loud when you pick her up to dance with her. 

Well, enough of that. Here's the pictures from our photo shoot.
 Daddy's making funny faces
 Look at all those teeth(four of them)!
I'm gonna get you!

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