Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Ornery's Story

This is the story of a little known member of our family, Ornery the Otter. Ornery was born at the Monterey Bay Aquarium in December 2011. We adopted him soon after Christmas. He and Inga quickly became best friends. They went everywhere together. An inseparable pair. He love Cheerios just like Inga. He loved yogurt just like Inga. His tail was a perfect teething toy. He was just the right size for snuggling and sucking your thumb. Ornery was able to comfort Inga in the gravest moments of distress. He always knew just what to say or not say.

Then one day Ornery went missing. Out of the blue, he just disappeared. He had done this once before, but it turned out he was just waiting at the babysitter's for Inga to return. Inga thought he would return again. Maybe one of her friends decided to take him home for the night or maybe he was just hiding. We searched and searched, but he was nowhere to be found. Inga went into mourning, which involved a lot of tears and screaming and kicking and biting. Her first broken heart.

Mommy and Daddy didn't know what to do so we turned to the Internet for an answer. We found him hiding out on the other side of the country. We called him home. He arrived home and even brought Inga one of her favorite toys, a box. But, he was a changed Ornery. He had grown up!

Like old friends, Inga and Ornery quickly forgave each other for any passed transgressions. His reasons for leaving and his sudden return will remain a secret shared between he and Inga. But normal family life has been restored at the Wiley house, so I will not ask many questions. 

And then Ornery's cousin decided move in. Kinda weird, but it's cool now.


  1. This is adorable! Does she love her new orneries, too?

    1. Yes, she does! Big Ornery was quickly adopted as the replacement and Cousin Ornery is growing on her. I actually think she thinks Big Ornery really is the real Ornery and he just grew up because she called him Ornery when she first saw him.
