Tuesday, October 25, 2011

2 Months!

Continuing my series charting Ingrid's growth and development, she is now 8 weeks old. I don't have a weight or height because she doesn't go into the doctor until 3 months. She is wearing 3 month size clothing and size 2 diapers so I am guessing she's about 13 pounds and 23 inches.

Her new favorite activities include sitting up (supported) and looking around. She can hold her head up pretty well and is more and more interested in looking around the room. She also likes bath time and playing peek-a-boo with Daddy. She has also started cooing and making a very distinct whining when she doesn't like something as opposed to being hungry or having a dirty diaper. She is also working on smiling when socially appropriate, but she's a little ways off from laughing.

We are turning her into our good little traveler. Although she does get bored in the car seat after awhile if she does not want to take a nap. I am looking forward to taking her to California for Christmas. Hopefully, it will be the first of many trips out West for little Inga.
Classic slightly perplexed look
The big, pink bear makes another appearance.
Can we go play now, Mom?

1 comment:

  1. She is much bigger! And I'm still jealous of all that hair. :)
