Monday, April 9, 2012

Planting Trees

The other weekend Sam and I bought nine trees and two tons of brick at the local FFA fundraising auction. (That's Future Farmers of America not free fatty acid.) We went to the auction just to check things out after our neighbor said they had lots of trees. We knew we wanted to plant trees on our lot as there aren't many, but weren't planning on doing that for awhile. Well, it was just such a good deal we may have gotten carried away.

Saturday morning the local excavating company came by to dig the holes. Sam and I were not about to dig 9 holes by hand. We were just going to plant a couple, but our neighbor came over with his son-in-law practically begging to help. (My neighbor had his whole family over for Easter and I think there were too many women in the house.) We ended up putting all 9 in the holes and fully planting 6. We still have 3 left to fill in with dirt. It was a long day of working and made a little harder by a very teething baby (first tooth finally made an appearance!). I am really happy with the trees. They will look very nice in a few years.
6 Norway Spruces along the property line
Sunset Maple in the back corner
Dawn Redwood
Hemlock in the front yard

1 comment:

  1. I love your description of FFA! Now, a city person would think something like "Forest Friends Anonymous." Although that isn't hip-enough-sounding.
