Friday, December 14, 2012

Play Date

Inga's cousin, Ethan, came over Friday morning for a play date. These two have so much fun together. I have never seen such young toddlers actually play together instead of just next to each other. We spent most of the morning in the basement where they have free reign as opposed to upstairs where there are more rules about what you can and cannot play with.

They watched an episode of Sesame Street while eating morning snacks. Ethan had goldfish and I brought down Inga's bag of freeze dried fruit. After a few minutes, they had already traded snacks. 
Eating morning snacks and watching Sesame Street.
 They were sitting in the play house giggling and chatting away. It was very cute, but I ruined the moment when I tried to take a picture.

Ethan found the stack of outdoor pillows that go on the patio chairs. He thought this was so much fun. Inga came over to see what was so exciting and just looked at Ethan like, "Really? A stack of dirty pillows? I'm going back to the cars." 
They were so well behaved until after lunch when both needed naps. A play date with a 16 month old and 2 year old and there were no tears or screams, pretty successful, wouldn't you say?

1 comment:

  1. No tears and no screams is indeed successful! Love the quality cousin-time and the opportunities to see the interactions. Great pics, Kate.
