Friday, December 14, 2012

Playing Dress Up

Inga loves to play dress up. She tries to put on any clothes she finds in laundry baskets, dressers, or closets. She found her party dress the other night and insisted on wearing it. 

She also loves hats, but she doesn't want to wear them. She wants Mommy and Daddy to wear the hats.  In this picture she is also wearing one of those baby headbands that lets strangers know the newborn is a girl. She never wore them as a baby since she's always had a full head of hair, but she found them the other night and put one on.


  1. Finn wants us to wear the hats too! It's his favorite distraction at clothing stores-make Mama try on ALL THE HATS. Of course, he actually likes wearing them, provided it is for a very short period of time, at his discretion, and the item in question is not really a full time hat, like a bowl or bucket.

  2. She is adorable. Ransom also likes hats, and he will wear them.

    Esther will NOT wear those headbands and I have a drawer full. She doesn't have enough hair yet to not wear them!
